About CMQ 2025 – Foreword
The College of Management and Quality Sciences at Krakow University of Economics n (KUE), together with Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State University, are please to invite you to the XVII International Scientific Conference CMQ 2025 “Knowledge-Economy-Society.” The CMQ Conference serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the academic community, representatives of local and central government, and the business sector.
The conference themes encompass a broad spectrum of topics that align with interests and practices of the conference organizers:
- The College of Management and Quality Sciences at KUE comprises 25 Departments, which belong to three institutes: the Institute of Management, the Institute of Informatics, Accounting, and Controlling, and the Institute of Quality Sciences and Product Management, forming a strong foundation for conducting and developing scientific research in these fields.
- Seidman College of Business fosters collaboration among academic, business, and local communities, focusing on sustainable growth, cooperation, and integration of various perspectives and environments.
The conference place and dates
The XVII International Scientific Conference of the College of Management and Quality Sciences at Krakow University of Economics, CMQ 2025 “Knowledge – Economy – Society,” will take place from June 9 to 11, 2025. This conference has been incorporated into the calendar of celebrations marking the 100th Anniversary of Krakow University of Economics and will be held under the esteemed honorary patronage of His Magnificence, Rector Prof. Bernard Ziębicki, and Dr Diana Lawson, Dean of Seidman College of Business.
The initial two days of the conference will be conducted in a traditional format in Kraków, while the third day will be an online event. The purpose of the in-person sessions at KUE will be to facilitate discussions and networking, whereas the online panels will involve the engagement of business practitioners.
Conference goals
- Presentation and dissemination of scientific research findings;
- Dissemination of outcomes from collaboration between business and science;
- Integration of the academic community from national and international universities;
- Integration of the academic community and business practice;
- Creation of opportunities for discussion, inspiration, and establishment of scientific collaboration;
- Gathering opinions and suggestions from entrepreneurs, local and central government administration regarding the commercialization potential of research conducted in scientific institutions.
Conference focus
The prestigious Anniversary of the University inspires a retrospective examination of the discipline of Management and Quality Sciences. The overarching theme of the conference is: “Theory and Practice of Management and Quality – Evolution and Dynamics of Change.”
We aim to encourage the conference participants to reflect on and exchange views regarding key changes in the theory and methodology of Management and Quality Sciences. Our debate will focus on transformations in organizational management at strategic, functional, and operational levels. We intend to discuss:
- the context and conditions of changes in management theory and practice;
- the role of relationships, values, and social aspects in contemporary management;
- the paradoxes of management.
Main conference themes
Dynamics of changes in management and quality sciences:
- Present and future of management and quality sciences;
- New concepts and paradigms in management and quality sciences;
- Evolution of research approaches in management and quality sciences.
Change (evolution or revolution) in strategic, operational, and functional dimensions:
- Strategic management in the context of organizational environmental transformations;
- Management of human, material, and intangible resources in the postmodern world;
- Organization and support of projects, processes, and innovations in contemporary competitive environments;
- Marketing management in the era of consumerism;
- Quality management amidst technological and social transformations.